June 19-21, 2025

Location Information

  • Calvary Bible Church
  • 1101 S Main St, Burbank, CA, 91506 US

Main Conference Speakers

Dr. Keith Palmer Associate Pastor | Grace Bible Church, TX

Keith Palmer is the associate pastor at Grace Bible Church in Granbury, Texas, and the director of the Center for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship (CBCD). He holds degrees from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (B.S. Electrical Engineering), The Master’s Seminary (Master of Divinity), The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Doctor of Ministry, Biblical Counseling) and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ph.D. candidate).

He is a Fellow (supervisor) and board member for ACBC. He is also an adjunct professor of biblical counseling at The Master's University and a chaplain in the Civil Air Patrol, the auxiliary of the United States Air Force.

His passion in ministry is shepherding God’s people through the teaching and counseling of the Scriptures. He is married to Lisa and together they have been blessed with three children, Alan, Aimee, and Aric.

Dr. Scott Mehl IBCD Managing Director, Pastor | Cornerstone West Los Angeles, CA

Scott pastors Cornerstone Church of West LA, a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-generational church where he has served since 2005 as a founding pastor. His ministry focuses include preaching, counseling, leadership development, and church-wide vision. Scott’s wife (Lara) and their four kids find it a joy to call West LA their earthly home, and have a deep love for the people of the city.

Scott is the Managing Director of the Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (IBCD) and a Fellow with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). He speaks and writes regularly on topics related to counseling and discipleship and is the author of Loving Messy People and Redeeming Sex in Marriage.

Scott is also the Chair of the Biblical Counseling department at Eternity Bible College and an adjunct faculty member at the Los Angeles Bible Training School. He has authored Loving Messy People and co-authored IBCD’s Intro to Messy Care and Discipleship curriculum. Scott is the husband to Lara and father to Harper, Addison, Lincoln, and Skylar.

Kim Kira Teaching Elder | Lighthouse Community Church, CA

Kim Kira (MDiv and MABC from The Master's) is the primary preaching elder at Lighthouse Community Church and also helps to oversee counseling ministries. His hope is to help people worship and love Christ more deeply by showing that the gospel is not only for eternal life, but everyday life.

Along with ministry, he finds great joy in spending time with his wife, raising their four kids, LA sports teams, eating good food, and traveling.

Jim Newheiser IBCD Executive Director, Pastor | Living Faith Baptist Church, NC

Jim Newheiser, DMin, is the director of the Christian Counseling Program and Professor of counseling at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC. Dr. Newheiser teaches many of the counseling courses as well as some practical theology courses. For 25 years, Dr. Newheiser served as the Preaching Pastor at Grace Bible Church in Escondido, California.

He is currently the Director of the Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (formerly CCEF West) and has served as an Adjunct Professor of Biblical Counseling at The Master’s University. He is a board member at both the Biblical Counseling Coalition and ACBC. He has authored "Money: Seeking God’s Wisdom," and several other books and minibooks. Jim has been married to his wife Caroline since 1979, and they have three grown children.

Jay Underwood Teaching Elder | Calvary Bible Church, CA

After making his living as an actor here in Los Angeles for over 20 years, God called Jay into full-time ministry in 2003. He became the Junior High pastor here at CBC while attending the Master’s Seminary, graduating with a Diploma of Theology in 2007.

His other interests include sharing his love of acting and filmmaking with young people, fly-fishing and spending time with his family. His greatest joy is to see people learn and grow through the Word of God in the power of God’s Holy Spirit (Colossians 1:28).

Jay was married to his sweetheart, Julie on October 16, 1997 and they are proud to have 6 children and one daughter-in-law: Jack (married to Caylen), Will, Lily, Austin, Geanna and Owen. Everyone is excited about the move back to southern California and CBC, especially their dogs, cats, parakeets and chickens, who are enjoying the warm, southern California sun!

Pre-Conference Speakers

Paul Tautges

Paul Tautges serves as one of the pastors of Cornerstone Community Church in Mayfield Heights, Ohio (east of Cleveland). Prior to accepting the Lord’s call to Cornerstone, he pastored in Wisconsin for 22 years. Paul has been married to Karen since 1986. Together they enjoy their ten children and their spouses, and their growing tribe of grandchildren.

He is also an adjunct professor, certified biblical counselor and teaching fellow for ACBC, and a council board member of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. Paul has written or edited over 60 books and mini-books.

Dr. Tom Sugimura

Tom Sugimura pastors New Life Church and mentors church planters. He trains counselors through ACBC, The Master’s University, and Biblical Counseling Ministries Worldwide. He and his wife, Amanda, are raising their four children in the wilds of Southern California and share their stories in "Hope for New Dads." You can find more of his writing at www.tomsugi.com.

Workshop Speakers

Dr. Brian Borgman

Brian is the founding pastor of Grace Community Church in Minden, NV (1994-present). He holds degrees from Biola, Western Seminary, Westminster Seminary, and Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books, including Don't Waste Your Breath: Ecclesiastes and the Joy of a Fleeting Life.

Christine Chappell

Christine is a certified biblical counselor and host of the Hope + Help Podcast for the Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship. She is the author of Midnight Mercies: Walking with God through Depression in Motherhood as well as several mini-books, including Postpartum Depression: Hope for a Hard Season and Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder. She currently serves as a council member for the Biblical Counseling Coalition, and is a regular speaker at women’s events and conferences. Christine lives in South Carolina with her husband and three children, and is a member of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Easley. Connect with her at christinemchappell.com.

Dr. Shelbi Cullen

Shelbi teaches fulltime as an Assistant Professor for the School of Biblical Studies at The Master’s University where she enjoys teaching classes on biblical counseling and women’s ministries. She holds an MA in Biblical Counseling from The Master’s University, and a Doctorate in Educational Ministry from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has been ACBC certified since 2005.

Shelbi and her husband Sean have been married for 38 incredible years of marriage. They have 4 grown children, three in-law children (almost), and four darling grandchildren.

Shelbi serves in Women’s Ministries and the Biblical Counseling Ministry at Grace Community Church, where she and her husband have served for the last ten years. In addition, she is co-host on Women of Hope podcast which focuses on providing biblical and practical wisdom to other women, to help them grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ.

Dr. Joseph Hunter

Dr. Hunter has served for more than 36 years as an educational leader in a variety of

educational settings, including K-12 public schools, Christian schools, and at 3 universities. His specializations include best practices in teaching and learning, and educational leadership. He has helped more than 40 people begin biblical counselor training through IBCD’s online courses in the last three years and serves as an elder at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Mt. Vernon, Washington. He has authored over 30 research articles and presentations on best practices in teaching, learning, and leadership, and received the David Marx Award for the best published research article in 2013. He has been married for almost 42 years to his wife, Krista, and they have served in marriage counseling together for more than 25 years.

Nancy John

Nancy takes great joy in working at Cornerstone WLA as the Director of Counseling under her pastor, Dr. Scott Mehl. In that capacity, she assists in equipping and growing their counseling team, and speakng at seminars and retreats. She spent her early years as a counselor advocating and counseling women with unplanned pregnancies, and leading pregnancy loss support groups. She has an MA in Biblical Counseling, and is ACBC certified.

Joe Keller

Joe Keller has served in Christian ministry and leadership development for over 25 years. He serves as the Executive Pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita, California, and is an instructor of Biblical Counseling at The Master’s University. He is a Council Member of the Biblical Counseling Collation and completed his undergraduate degree at The Master’s University, Master of Divinity from The Master’s Seminary, and Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Theological Seminary. Joe has been married to Heidi since 1997 and has four children and four cats. They enjoy herding them all.

Shannon McCoy

Shannon is a Biblical Counselor certified by ACBC and has a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Counseling (MABC) from The Master’s University. She's the author of Help! I’m A Slave to Food and contributing author to Women Counseling Women.

She is a retreat and conference speaker. She serves on the Counsel Board and is a contributing blogger for the Biblical Counseling Coalition. Raised in South Carolina,

Shannon graduated from the College of Charleston with a BA in Biology and the Medical University of South Carolina with a BS in Cytotechnology. She works as a Cytotechnologist for a medical laboratory

Caroline Newheiser

Caroline Newheiser is an ACBC certified counselor and has earned her master’s degree in Christian Counseling from Reformed Theological Seminary-Charlotte, where she is the Coordinator of Women’s Counseling. Her husband, Jim, is the Director of the Christian Counseling program and is an Associate Professor of Counseling and Practical Theology at RTS-Charlotte.

She has many years of experience counseling women in the local church and has a passion to help women view their lives biblically.

She was a pastor’s wife for over 34 years, including 6 years in Saudi Arabia, before moving to Charlotte. She and Jim have three adult sons and four grandchildren.

Keith Palmer

Keith is associate pastor at Grace Bible Church and the director of the Center for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship (CBCD). He holds degrees from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (B.S. Electrical Engineering), The Master’s Seminary (M.Div.), The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min., Biblical Counseling), and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ph.D., Biblical Studies/Biblical Counseling).

He is a Fellow (supervisor) and board member for the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). He is an instructor of biblical counseling at The Master's University and a chaplain in the Civil Air Patrol, the auxiliary of the United States Air Force.

His passion in ministry is shepherding God’s people through the teaching and counseling of the Scriptures. He is married to Lisa and together they have been blessed with three children, Alan, Aimee & Aric. Keith and his family have been members of Grace Bible since 2002.

Samantha Pane LMFT

Samantha Pane is an evangelist at heart. As a licensed professional therapist, she has uniquely built a mental health company that helps hundreds of suffering people every day with compassionate, gospel-minded counseling. Samantha is married to Pastor David Pane of New Hope Community Church of West Covina, and is mother to their three young children.

Dr. Dave Robinson

"Dr. Dave" Robinson was a teacher and principal in public schools for 25 years where he benefited from research and training in active learning and community building instructional practices. He went on to lead numerous workshops in these instructional systems in public schools, and Christian education contexts. He has been a certified member of ACBC for 14 years. Dave is currently the Director of Counseling and Discipleship at Grace Bible Church in Bend, Oregon, where he leads active counseling trainings using IBCD's video systems. He also oversees a busy counseling center and consults with local churches to help them build biblical counseling ministries. He is married to Mayumi, who is a Japanese citizen, and they enjoy the many blessings and challenges of a bilingual, bicultural family.

Dave is an avid trail runner and once kicked a Hacky Sack 10,210 times without dropping it!

Dr. Ric Rodeheaver

Ric Rodeheaver (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a native of the Hawaiian Islands and has been living on the “mainland” since 1991. Moving to Los Angeles to become a “rock star”, God dramatically changed his direction and in 1998 Ric graduated from L.I.F.E. Bible College with his BA in Biblical languages. In 2001 he received his MA in New Testament studies from Talbot School of Theology and his PhD from Southern Seminary in 2017. Ric has been the senior staff elder at Christ Community Church in Laguna Hills for over ten years. Along with his pastoral responsibilities he is also an adjunct professor of practical theology at Christ Bible Seminary in Nagoya, Japan, a steering member of the Gospel Coalition, Orange County chapter and a member of the Evangelical Theological Society

Tim St. John

Tim St. John, MDiv, ThM, serves as the counseling pastor at Lighthouse Community Church in Torrance, CA. His passion is to see the grace of gospel-centered counseling grow and thrive in local churches. Tim also serves on the council board for the BCC (Biblical Counseling Coalition) and the editorial board for the SOLA network. He is the author of the minibook Uncovering Domestic Abuse.

Lauren Sterling

Lauren is the Director of Operations for IBCD and the Event Director for the Summer Institute. She earned her degree in Biblical Counseling from The Master’s University and, at just 21, became the youngest-ever recorded ACBC Certified Counselor.

Having personally benefited from Biblical Counseling as a teenager, Lauren followed God’s call to serve other women in the same way. She counseled students formally throughout college, and today, she continues to serve as a Counselor for her church in Sun Valley, CA. Lauren enjoys all things health and beauty, and loves traveling and spending sunny beach days with her husband.

Laurena Townsend

Laurena Townsend is an ACBC certified counselor attending and serving Calvary Bible Church, Burbank. She has been married to Tim for 27 years, and has five children and a recently-acquired daughter-in-law. Formerly an English teacher, God has transformed that passion for coming alongside others into a passion for discipleship, counseling, and teaching God’s Word.

Pre-Conference – Thursday

8:00 - 9:00amRegistration / Check-in

Buy your tickets at the door (full price), or check-in with your Early Bird tickets purchased online.
Enjoy coffee and light refreshments until the first session begins.

9:00 - 10:15amSession 1 | Dr. Paul Tautges

Anchoring Comfort to Trinitarian Care

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit go to work for believers in our times of need. Therefore, when grief overshadows our soul; we can run to God for help and comfort. This session will
anchor the grieving believer’s faith in the love of the heavenly Father who knows all their needs, the Son of God who intercedes for them as their compassionate High Priest, and the Holy Spirit who prays for them in their weakness.

10:15 - 10:30amBreak

10:30 - 11:30amSession 2 | Dr. Paul Tautges

Anchoring Hope to Resurrection Assurances

One of the most urgent issues for people passing through a time of grief is the eternal destination of their loved ones. This session will instruct counselors in helping those whose
loved one knew the Lord (and has gone to glory), those whose loved one did not know the Lord (and has gone to judgment), and those who have uncertainty about their loved one’s
spiritual state. It will address misconceptions about heaven and hell as well as misconceptions about those are awaiting the resurrection in the “intermediate state.”


1:00 - 2:00pmSession 3 | Tom Sugimura

2:00 - 2:15pmBreak

2:15 - 3:15pmSession 4 | Dr. Paul Tautges

Anchoring Perseverance to Unchanging Promises

Grief is a sorrow each of us will carry for the duration of our lives, which means it is not a counseling issue that, like some others, can be fixed or solved. This session will speak of the importance of equipping people to persevere through a lifetime of grief by clinging to the sure promises of God in Christ.

Main Conference – Thursday

5:00 - 6:00pmRegistration

Register before the conference begins at 6:00pm. Use this time for a dinner break if you're already checked in.

6:00 - 6:15pmWelcome & Worship

6:15 - 7:15pmPlenary 1 | Dr. Scott Mehl

Song of Songs: Being Beloved

7:15 - 7:45pmBreak

7:45 - 8:45pmWorkshop Period 1

Main Conference – Friday

8:00 - 9:00amLight Refreshments

Head over to the Main Hall to grab some coffee and snacks before the first session of the day.

9:00 - 9:15amWorship & Resources

9:15 - 10:15amPlenary 2 | Jay Underwood

Wise Counsel from Psalms

10:15 - 10:30amBreak

10:30 - 11:30amWorkshop Period 2

11:30 - 1:15pmSupporting Partner Luncheon

This luncheon is for exclusively invited churches and donors.

1:15 - 1:30pmPresentation

1:30 - 2:30pmPlenary 3 | Dr. Keith Palmer

Sitting with Job: Suffering and the God of Grace

2:30pm - 2:45pmBreak

2:45 - 3:45pmWorkshop Period 3

3:45 - 4:15pmBreak

4:15 - 5:15pmWorkshop Period 4

5:15 - 6:45pmDinner

1 hour 30 minutes. See menu for local dining options

7:00 - 8:00pmPlenary 4 | Kim Kira

Wise Counsel from Ecclessiastes

Main Conference – Saturday

8:30 - 9:00amLight Refreshments

9:00 - 10:00amWorkshop Period 4

10:00 - 10:30amBreak

10:30 - 11:45amPlenary 5 | Dr. Jim Newheiser

Wise Counsel From Proverbs

11:45 - 12:00pmClosing

Stick around for special giveaways and announcements!

Ticket Prices
Intro Rate

(begins June 20th, ends Oct 31st)

Mid Rate
(begins Nov 1st, ends Feb 28th)
Regular Rate
(begins Mar 1st, ends June 21st)
Pre & Main Conference$160$180$200
Pre-Con Only$40$60$80
Main Con Only$110$130$150


  • Calvary Bible Church special ticket pricing (select under "ticket type").
  • Supporting Partners 20% off entire order (become a Partner today!)
  • Groups of 5 or more 15% off entire order (applied automatically).
  • IBCD Connect Subscribers special pricing viewable in your account 

Please email [email protected] for discount codes. You may use only 1 code total.

  • Valid to attend the entire event– both the Pre-Conference and the Main Conference. Group instructions below.

  • Valid to attend only the Pre-Conference on Thursday. Excludes the Thursday evening, Friday, and Saturday Main Conference. Group instructions below.

  • Valid to attend only the Main Conference. Excludes the Thursday morning Pre-Conference. Group instructions below.

  • Valid for online attendance to the Pre-Conference, Main Conference, and select workshops. Must purchase 1 ticket per person watching (ex. a married couple would purchase 2). Group instructions below.

  • Check this box if you regularly attend or are a member of the host church, Calvary Bible Church. Applies to individuals and groups.

  • Check this box if you are placing an order for a group (5 or more individuals). If not, leave it unchecked. To purchase for a whole group you must be prepared to pay on one card. You will automatically receive 15% off.

  • Check this box if you are purchasing for less than 5 people. Examples would be for a small group of 3-4 people, spouses, an individual + guest, just yourself, etc. If you'd like to receive 15% off your order, learn how above^

If you are unable to attend due to financial difficulties, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we'll be happy to discuss pricing with you. You will still need to register, so please select "GRACE Payment" under Billing ONLY once you've heard back from a team member. Please do not register until you've discussed pricing with us and received a special coupon code.

Workshop Sessions

Thursday Workshops

  • The scriptures call us to "speak the truth in love." Biblical counselors have the reputation of getting the first part right but the second part very wrong. The intention of this breakout will be to help you carry your truthful counseling in the arms of loving communication approaches. Speaking in love will soften the heart to receive and be transformed by your truthful counsel

  • Methodology, resources, and Q&A for the first year of counseling. A workshop to encourage and assist new counselors.

    Every biblical counselor will encounter a counselees who has been influenced by unbiblical advisors, books, and podcasts. This talk gives suggestions for how to determine orthodoxy and how to sensitively address the topic with your counselee.

  • Military and law enforcement service often places people in situations where lethal force is authorized and sometimes used. When people take life in these situations, it will have an effect on their souls. However, the state of their soul in the midst of taking life plays a significant role in determining the kind of effect that will take place. 1 Samuel 25 shows how the motivation for killing—whether legal, authorized, or justifiable—will greatly influence its impact on the life-taker's soul. In this session, Dr. Solomon will share wisdom from God's Word to prepare someone for these situations and help those wrestling with the aftermath of taking life in a justifiable context.

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:14 urges us to patiently admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, and help the weak. How can you come alongside those who are so “shell-shocked” with grief or unexpected circumstances, that they can’t stay focused on biblical counsel? This session will focus on how to speak the truths of Scripture into their lives in the midst of the storm.

  • Far from being a book of discouragement, the Book of Ecclesiastes teaches us how to live our lives now in the light of, what Paul describes in 2 Corinthians 4, "the eternal weight of glory." In this session, we will discuss how to apply the lessons of Ecclesiastes to helping struggling believers.

Friday Workshops

  • The grand narrative of the biblical story is retold over and over again in the supporting stories of each biblical character. Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz will come alive as we study how to turn Old Testament texts into everyday application. We will address struggles such as grief, anger, depression, and poverty. Yet we return each time to the person and work of our covenant God and his delight in redeeming his people. This session is based on principles from Tom’s book, Ruth: The Romance of Redemption.

    The Christian life is a race filled with challenges and trials, yet Hebrews 12:1-3 calls believers to run with endurance. In this session, we will explore how to help the weary lay aside every weight and the sin that hinders their progress, fix their gaze on Christ, and draw strength from the example of Jesus, who endured the cross for the joy set before Him. Discover how to counsel others to persevere faithfully by pointing them to the enduring hope and joy found in our Savior.

  • This seminar equips biblical counselors to address spiritual dryness with compassion and gospel truth. You will learn to identify root causes, provide empathetic care, and guide counselees toward renewed intimacy with Christ, while understanding how God uses dry seasons to deepen faith and purify hearts.

  • This panel will be led by Scott Mehl and feature Dr. Jim Newheiser, Dr. Keith Palmer, and Dr. Tom Sugimura.

  • This workshop addresses the good and perfect God-given gifts which appeal to our senses and bring joy. Recognition of these good gifts enable discernment of counterfeits. Suggestions will be given to help counselees learn self-control while taking pleasure in God's blessings.

  • Train and equip competent counselors faster and more effectively using active learning structures in a "Flipped Classroom." Future counselors access IBCD video content outside of class and come together to experience active learning in the classroom community. There they'll discuss course content with classmates, role play, counsel themselves, and practice counseling each other as they build their counseling toolbox and grow in confidence to counsel others.
    Join us in this fun, interactive workshop and experience the power and joy of active learning!

  • Looking into the lives of such puritans as Matthew Henry, Martin Luther, Calvin,
    Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, what was their passion for prayer, How did they define meditation -- what did they think about "involving scripture into their prayer time -how valuable to them was corporate prayer with brothers and sisters - etc...
    Hoping as we peak into the spiritual lives of our forefathers that our own spirits will be moved and inspired and that we'd be graced by that same desire and passion for more prayer in our own lives.

  • This seminar equips biblical counselors with tools to provide Christ-centered guidance to those navigating the pain of separation and divorce. You will gain a deeper understanding of the emotional and spiritual challenges associated with marital breakdown and learn how to point counselees toward the healing, restoration, and hope found in Christ. With a focus on biblical truth, this seminar offers practical insights to support counselees in their journey toward renewed faith and purpose.

Saturday Workshops

  • Looking into the lives of such puritans as Matthew Henry, Martin Luther, Calvin,
    Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, what was their passion for prayer, How did they define meditation -- what did they think about "involving scripture into their prayer time -how valuable to them was corporate prayer with brothers and sisters - etc...
    Hoping as we peak into the spiritual lives of our forefathers that our own spirits will be moved and inspired and that we'd be graced by that same desire and passion for more prayer in our own lives.

  • Ecclesiastes warns of the vanity of worldly pursuits, and Scripture calls us to find true contentment in God's provision. As Paul writes in Philippians 4:11, contentment is something we must learn, regardless of our circumstances. This session will explore the biblical foundations of contentment and how we can cultivate it in our daily lives. Drawing from the rich insights of the Puritans, particularly Thomas Watson and Jeremiah Burroughs, we will examine how their writings deepen our understanding of contentment and provide practical applications for both personal growth and counseling.

  • This seminar equips biblical counselors with tools to provide Christ-centered guidance to those navigating the pain of separation and divorce. You will gain a deeper understanding of the emotional and spiritual challenges associated with marital breakdown and learn how to point counselees toward the healing, restoration, and hope found in Christ. With a focus on biblical truth, this seminar offers practical insights to support counselees in their journey toward renewed faith and purpose.

  • Jesus, our High Priest, call us to "come boldly" before the Throne of Grace. We want to enter in. We want to live in this space, but more often than not, the cries of our flesh and the world capture our attention, and we find ourselves immersed and investing in this life, rather than being immersed in God.

    The more we allow the world / sin to come between our relationship w/ Jesus the smaller and less powerful He becomes "in our eyes", so when trouble strikes it is no wonder that we are ill prepared to deal with it.
    There are many things that entangle and divert us from God,
    these things aren't not always intentional, nor are they necessarily sinful. However, we can suddenly realize we are ensnared in unprofitable activities that are stealing our time from God.
    Addressing top distractions aka "little foxes that spoil the vine" as well as deeper issues, that call us away from cultivating our relationship with Christ, while in tandem, drawing attention to Jesus' call and exhortation to follow Him and the promises and joy that come from obedience to His call.


Our ministry values giving, so each year, we prayerfully set our ticket prices to reflect generosity. We host our conferences as a way to serve the local church and provide inexpensive resources to people all over the world. 

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